Probably a good place to start is with the poster art...
When you're an independent filmmaker, you wear a lot off hats - one of them is art designer. When I was creating the poster art, it was important to me to give top billing to all the cast members - because well, I can! In addition, I felt it was important to recognize the full cast and crew on the poster. That's the fun part of being a little guy - you can shape and mold things like the big guys without all the red tape.
OK, enough on that - scroll down to meet the very talented cast!!
Click on any image to follow their main social profile!
Memorial Ghost
Bridge Ghost
Tracks Ghost
Bicycle Ghost
All of the actors are extremely talented and I feel lucky to have been able to work with them on this project. Make sure you follow us and check in on social media - particularly Instagram and Facebook in the coming weeks. We'll be highlighting each of our actors and give you the opportunity to get to know each of them in more detail!